Happy World Book Day!

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

Thank you so much to all the readers, parents, guardians, carers, educators, librarians, teachers, booksellers, bloggers, volunteers and absolutely everyone else who has ever helped get Dave Pigeon books into the hands of readers.

Every year it blows my mind that fans sit down and create costumes and other brilliant things all inspired by Dave Pigeon. My heart is always bursting with joy to see these pigeontastic creations. Let’s face it, it’s not easy with all those feathers, so thank you very much for all your hard work.

Here are some particularly brilliant Dave Pigeon creations from World Book Day 2019:

Interview with The Children’s Book Spectacular

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave, Scrapbook

Fantastic news for those of you need who need a big children’s book fix! The Children’s Book Spectacular, a group of librarians, editors, literacy agents, teachers and authors, have launched an incredible channel on You Tube so they can bring a whole host of all things children’s books! Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

They very kindly asked ME to launch their channel with their very first video. Have a watch, listen to me jabber on about books and remember to subscribe to this brilliant channel.