Dave Pigeon World Book Day Inspiration

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

World Book Day lands on Thursday 7th March and it’s a double celebration because Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!) publishes on that very same day!

Every year we love seeing your Dave Pigeon costumes so please do send in or tweet your pictures. Here are some pigeontastic costumes from previous years to inspire your own creations:

And if you need a Dave Pigeon mask, use this handy activity sheet to create your very own:

Have fun creating your costumes and get in touch with pictures of your masterpieces because Dave Pigeon fans always have the best costumes.

Dave Pigeon Competition Time!

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

Faber & Faber are offering you the chance to win all four Dave Pigeon books AND a cuddly royal pigeon to celebrate the release of Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!) in two weeks time!

To be in with a chance of winning, tweet a picture of your drawing of your favourite animal as royalty to @faberchildrens on Twitter, using the hashtag #DavePigeon. Alternatively you can email your drawing to kidsmarketing@faber.co.uk or post to: Kids Marketing, Faber & Faber, Bloomsbury House, 74-77 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DA. Entries must be in by 1st May 2019.

Here’s my gorgeous boy dressed as royalty to inspire your creation:

Dave Pigeon visits Halswell School

Swapna HaddowPatron of Reading Official Business

Today, I visited Halswell School as their brand new Patron of Reading. On this glorious sunny Thursday, I couldn’t have asked for a warmer welcome from the pupils and staff of Halswell School, lead at the helm by their brilliant school librarian Zac.

I introduced the pigeontastic Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to the Dave Pigeon series and our favourite feathery duo.

The pupils then helped me write a whole host of new Mean Cat stories; there was plenty of poo, a truck load of toilets and lots of massive fearsome potatoes.

As part of my PoR duties I also contribute to the school’s newsletters and today I gave the Halswell pupils my top tips for creative writing, which I thought I would share with you:

Swapna Haddow’s Creative Writing Top Tips

I Spy

Always be on the look out for story ideas. A newspaper headline, a visit to a gallery, walking the dog, a swing across the monkey bars – inspiration is everywhere.

Carry a notebook

A notebook is the perfect place to jot down ideas. Keep it on you at all times – inspiration can strike at any moment.

Read, read, read!

With every book you read, ask questions. What was your favourite bit? And what didn’t you enjoy so much? These questions will help you work out what you want in your own stories.


The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy creating your masterpiece. Remember to share your stories and ideas with friends and fellow writers.

Return to Wonderland

Swapna HaddowScrapbook

I’m delighted to share the very exciting news that Macmillan is publishing Return to Wonderland, a selection of stories for middle grade readers, each written by a different children’s author and one of those authors is ME!

More than 150 years since Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was first published, readers will get to revisit Carroll’s wonderful characters and I can’t tell you how chuffed I am to be in the company of Peter Bunzl, Pamela Butchart, Maz Evans, Patrice Lawrence, Chris Smith, Robin Stevens, Lauren St John, Lisa Thompson, Piers Torday and Amy Wilson, all of whom are writing champions.

Return to Wonderland is illustrated by the mega-talented Laura Barrett and publishes in hardback on 27th June 2019 in time for Alice Day on 4th July.

Take a look at Laura’s beautiful cover:

Gorgeous proofs are arriving in letterboxes and down rabbit holes right at this very moment and I can’t wait for you all to read my story ‘The Missing Book‘ this June.

The reviews for Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise are in…

Swapna HaddowAdventures With Little Rabbit

Now that Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise is officially out in the world, the reviews are coming in and Little Rabbit appears to be going down a treat with readers.

Bookwagon describes the book as ‘a truly satisfying book’ in their latest book review round up:

And we also have wonderful reviews from North Somerset Teachers’ Book Award, The Lancashire Post, Story Snug and Red Reading Hub.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read and reviewed Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise. I’m so pleased to hear you’ve enjoyed her story.

Summer Holidays in January

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows

Earlier this week we returned from an amazing trip to the north of the South Island. We had a wonderful first Christmas here in New Zealand and with January now being the summer that meant SUMMER HOLIDAYS!

We travelled up to the gorgeous and peaceful Nelson Lakes…

And then on to Golden Bay where we camped at Pohara Beach.

The beaches of Golden Bay are absolutely stunning and seals often wander out of the water and up on to beach to relax.

The forest terrain of Golden Bay and Abel Tasman is much more tropical than the southern alpine-esque forest and for a moment it almost feels like you are in the tropics of southern Asia.

I absolutely loved kayaking off the coast near Tata Beach. We saw wild seals and the water was so clear we could see down for miles.

It was a magical trip and we spent most of the time in awe that we now live on this incredible island.

We are starting to make firm friends here in New Zealand which made it all the more special when we ran into them on holiday and caught up for a pizza and a natter.

Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!) has arrived!

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

Early copies of Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!) are flying off to bloggers this week and one arrived here in New Zealand! I’m so proud to show you the finished copy which will be available to buy in March.

Sheena and I dedicated this golden beauty to our dogs who we love and adore.

We can’t wait to hear what you all think of the brand new Dave Pigeon adventure.

Meet Alison Friend

Swapna HaddowAdventures With Little Rabbit, Scrapbook

Alison is the illustrator of our latest book ‘Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise‘, published by Stripes. Her illustrations are utterly gorgeous and you will recognise her work from many books including ‘The Twinkly Twinkly Christmas Tree’ with Sam Taplin, ‘Bear’s Story’ with Claire Freedman, ‘That Bear Can’t Babysit’ with Ruth Quayle and ‘My Hand to Hold’ with Smriti Prasadam-Halls.

Alison lives in the beautiful Lake District with her husband Mike, her son Cal and Border Collie, Blue. In her spare time she enjoys walking Blue in the fells, swimming in the lakes (when it’s warm!) and falling asleep during really good films.

When I was told I would be working with Alison, I was beyond excited. Little Rabbit’s story is a gentle one and I knew Alison’s wonderful illustrative style would compliment the story perfectly.

S: Hello, Alison! Thank you so much for joining me here on my blog.

A: Hi Swapna! Thanks for interviewing me!

S: Tell us a bit about how you got into children’s book illustration?

A: I took quite a long route to illustrating children’s books. It’s something I always wanted to do but didn’t think it was possible.  I did a fine art degree at Nottingham Trent University not really knowing how I’d make money from being an artist. I got a job behind a bar when I left uni – which I loved! 

While working the bar job I applied for a position as an apprentice stonemason for Nottingham City Council and got the job!! It promised to be as close to an arty job as I could get. I went to college in Weymouth to study stone carving and when I wasn’t at college, worked on Nottingham’s historic buildings. It was quite an experience. Good and bad! 

While I was doing this job I met my husband Mike and just over a year after meeting we moved to Seattle for his job. It was while I was in Seattle I got the opportunity to build my portfolio and thanks to Mike, pursue my dream of being an illustrator. 

I regularly sent postcards of my work to publishers and attended a few SCBWI conferences to try and network a bit. I got an offer out of the blue from Candlewick Press for a manuscript called ‘What Colour is Caesar?’, a reprint of a 1960’s story by Maxine Kumin about a spotty dog with an identity crisis! 

From there it was slow going getting more work but getting an agent helped a lot and for the last few years I’ve been able to illustrate full time. 

S: How did you get involved in the Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise project?

A: Stripes Publishing got in touch with my agent and I read the manuscript written by a very talented author and fell for that little bunny!! It was such a lovely project to do and I was excited about the format, which, now I have the book in my hand, looks brilliant. Like a proper old fashioned little treasure of a storybook. 

S: It really is! The production is incredible and your illustrations are divine. What do you love illustrating the most?

A: Animals. Animals. Animals. I’m a real dog person so they are a favourite thing to draw! When I was a kid I used to pore over animal encyclopaedias and draw the animals and write the facts about them. 

If I had the brains I would have loved to have been a zoologist or a naturalist (is that right? I always want to say naturist…not naturist!!!)

S: On the subject of the naturalist/naturist confusion, fifteen years ago, my husband (then boyfriend) got the two confused when he booked us on to a boat trip of the Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand. Needless to say, we spent two days on a nudist boat.

A: That’s hilarious!!!! Did you join in?

S: We chickened out at the last minute; it was a bit chilly to have our bits out but I’m sure it will make good fodder for a story one day! Speaking of new projects, what’s coming next from Alison Friend?

A: A book with Nosy Crow about a Tiger who works in the city and wears a snappy pin stripe suit. A book about animals having crazy times in a zoo!!! That’s for Usborne UK. A book for Zonder Kids about a Rabbit, (yay, another rabbit), who wants to go to space. 

S: So excited to check all these new books. As an illustrator who has worked with many writers, do you have any advice for writers working with illustrators? 

A: Oooh this is hard, Swapna! I can only say what as an illustrator I appreciate from an author or in a manuscript: I think the big thing is to trust the illustrator to do their thing. Also trust the publisher to work with the illustrator and get the best from them. It totally depends what kind of book it is too. I mean picture books are all about that partnership between words and pictures and a good writer will leave room in the text for the illustrator to get creative. Sometimes fewer words are better and let the pictures bring a greater level of detail to the story. Sometimes illustrations can contradict the text, which can be really funny! Chapter books are a little different I guess – more detail and description in the story and less illustration.

Thank you so much to Alison for chatting with me. It’s been an utter joy working on Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise and the final books are gorgeous. I can’t wait to see our Little Rabbit hopping on to shelves next month.