Dave Pigeon roosting on shelves in New Zealand

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows, Roosting With Dave

Dave Pigeon’s been making himself right at home here in Christchurch. So far, he’s joined the library shelves…

Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre library

… He was spotted at a local bookshop by brilliant school librarian, Zac

PaperPlus in Hornby

… And pigeontastic children’s book blogger Bob Docherty has given Dave Pigeon two dazzling reviews!

I think Dave is loving the Kiwi life.

Joining the Christchurch Library Family

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows, Scrapbook

It’s a couple of days until Halloween and I’m pleased to say that rather than an interview with a vampire, (90’s must-see film for all you young’uns), I had an interview with a librarian. Have a read of the full interview here and find out all about the time I fell into a canal.

Thank you so much to Christchurch City Libraries and the lovely Donna Robertson who took the time to chat with me.

The thing about Brand New Things…

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows, The Bad Panda Club

I’ve just finished writing the first book of a BRAND NEW series by me and Sheena Dempsey. It feels amazing! To celebrate, I treated myself to a curry with the family, apologised for being cranky whilst I wrote and went straight to the library to pick up a book to the read that couldn’t be more different to what I’d just written.

There is no better feeling in the world, for a writer, that hitting those final two words: The End. It’s like completing your last exam or crossing the finish line of a marathon. Writing is gruelling and it can be draining and I have to admit, this one has been a struggle.

The deadline for the book was originally in September. When we found out we were moving in August, I knew there was no chance I would make that deadline, and with my tail between my legs, I asked my lovely editor for an extension. Of course, she completely understood and very graciously let me set a new deadline for the following month but that was hard for me. I pride myself on always meeting my deadlines and often getting work in ahead of deadlines. The guilt of asking for an extension weighed heavy on me and as September whizzed by, the pressure to produce perfection stalled my writing.

Soon, the blank page became my nemesis. Writing even just one sentence became my Everest. I tried all my go-to remedies to revive my muse: baths, music, sleep, rest, walks, more baths. But nothing worked. The more time passed, the more anxious I felt about not being able to deliver. Writing this new thing wasn’t at all like writing a Dave Pigeon book. Four books on, writing Dave Pigeon and his world felt like slipping on a pair of comfy slippers. The characters were old friends now. It was comfortable.

This new book was not comfortable. Though Sheena and I had talked through ideas over the last year, with all the noise of publication and book deals this year and taking Dave Pigeon (Racer!) on tour, I’d not given myself the time I needed to get to know this new world of characters. I was switching from comfy slippers to pinchy stilletos.

I had to kick-start my writing again. I hadn’t recognised that a summer of goodbyes, the move across the world and the process of finding and settling into a new routine in a new environment would take such a toll. I hadn’t prepared for it. Looking back, I should have set myself daily writing goals to keep my hand in the game. Though that’s not usually how I work, it would have helped to keep a writing constant in the upheaval of moving to New Zealand.

I’m sure I’m not alone in this. In fact, I know I’m not alone. Whatever the reason, I imagine all writers go through a time when the words don’t come easily so I thought I’d jot down a few things that helped me battle the slump.

Make a list: This sounds simple but it’s so important, especially if you have more than one deadline looming. It will help you prioritise what needs to be done first, rather than leaving you free to just pick what feels easy to tackle in that moment.

Don’t wait: The time is now. No matter how painful, you can’t afford to wait for the perfect moment or the perfect mood or the perfect lighting to start.

Give yourself achievable goals: For some this might be a word count; for others this could be a time limit. Stick to the goal. Even if you feel a sudden burst of writing energy, don’t be tempted to push on. Sticking to limits will give you the down time you need to rest and recuperate.

Forget perfection: Work can be messy. It’s OK. You just need to get words on the paper; the polishing will come later.

Ask for help: Writing is emotional. You’re invested in your work and when it’s not coming together it can feel overwhelming. Reach out to your support system, your friends, your family, your agent, your editor, whoever it may be. They want you to succeed and they’ll help you a way to get through the slump.

Good luck, fellow writers. Know that there is probably a curry waiting for you on the other side.

Cover reveal: Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!)

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

Pigeontastic news Dave Pigeon fans: Dave and Skipper are coming home to roost with their fourth book! In this latest adventure, our favourite pigeon duo will be rubbing feathery shoulders with royalty and of course, Dave is about to suggest a catbrainned idea that lands the pigeons in a crate full of chaos.

Team Dave Pigeon are so proud to reveal the brand new book cover for Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!), illustrated by Sheena Dempsey.

Dave Pigeon (Royal Coo!) will be landing on shelves in March 2019.

New Zealand: one month in

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows

We are back from our mini-tour of the South Island and here is a Halfway Round the World with the Haddows update on how we are doing.

The three flights were long but with an excellent selection of movies, a never-ending supply of in-flight cookies and only one mad dash between two airports to make our final flight, we arrived in to Christchurch without a hitch. And of course first up, was finding Archie and giving him the biggest belly rubs and lickiest kisses.

Next up, a walk to the beach to breathe in the ocean air and remind ourselves why we’d been travelling for the last twenty-nine hours.

We’d planned a few days in Christchurch to get the lay of the land and to see some of the city. The devastation of the 2011 earthquake is still evident but what is also clear is the resilience of the Christchurch folk. These are a people who are still dealing with the aftermath with a stoicism that makes me feel honoured to join their community.


By day two, we had a car, a house, a bank and by day three, Phoenix had picked a school and met his deputy headteacher. We’d even found the local library and spotted a familiar book roosting in the ‘H’ pile!

And then we were off. With no other commitments for a couple of weeks we packed up the car and headed off on a mini road trip round the South Island. Here are a few snaps from an incredible first few weeks in Aotearoa:

The slopes at Cardrona, near Wanaka

The glorious Lake Tekapo

Hiking by Mount Cook

Beautiful Lake Pukaki

The Blue Pools

The Pancake Rocks

The breathtaking west coast

My photos don’t do this beautiful, magical landscape justice. You have to see it to believe it so book your flights and come say hello!

And we’re off!

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows

The Haddows are finally off halfway round the world on Halfway Round the World with the Haddows! I have to admit I had a bit of sleepless night before moving day but it went off without a hitch and though we were leaving our lovely flat, a place that I will always remember as the happiest place I have ever lived in London, it wasn’t a sad farewell; instead it was one of fondness and love. No matter where I am, I think I will always be a Londoner at heart.

Now we start the twenty-seven hour journey to New Zealand where we will spend our first month in the Godzone, travelling the South Island before the husband starts his new job and I crack on with writing my next book. With two October deadlines on the horizon, (more on those later), I can’t wait to get back to my writing desk and I’m sure the land of the long white cloud will inspire many stories.

Cheerio, London… And kia ora Aotearoa!

I have NEW book news!

Swapna HaddowPawsome News

I have pawsome news! Thanks to the team at Macmillan Children’s Books, I will be joining forces with the formidable, illustrator extraordinaire Dapo Adeola to create my first picture books. This is an absolute dream project and I can’t wait to share more with you soon but for the moment you’ll have to bear with me as everything is a bit TOP SECRET. Watch this space, folks!

Meet the team (left-right): Lorna, Kaltoun, Penny, Dapo and me

The Haddows top pick of the New Zealand books

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows

Moving to New Zealand has come with a mix of emotions for Family Haddow. Both the husband and I have been to New Zealand and it was our trip back in 2004 where we fell in love with the country. Here are a few snaps from our travels back then:

Whilst we are both so excited, our son has never been to New Zealand and though we have regaled him with tales of our adventures, he’s found himself picking up books to help him find out more about the country. Today, on Halfway Round the World with the Haddows, we’ve picked three of our favourite books that have helped Phoenix get to grips with what life will be like in New Zealand.

Title: New Zealand (from the Countries Around the World series)
Author: Mary Colson
Illustrator: Oxford Designers and Illustrators
Publisher: Raintree

Though this book was published in 2013, much of the content is still up-to-date. This read is great for finding out facts about New Zealand, with photos and easy-to-understand infographics for children aged 7 and older (and their parents too).
Phoenix’s best bit: I really liked learning the Māori words in each chapter.

Title: A Kiwi Year: Twelve Months In The Life Of New Zealand’s Kids
Author: Tania McCartney
Illustrator: Tina Snerling
Publisher: EK Books

This one is our Family Haddow Favourite Pick of the Books. It’s a brilliant introduction to life for children in New Zealand, with relatable characters sharing what they enjoy the most each month. It’s the sort of book you can return to time after time and has really helped Phoenix understand what he might be in for when he gets to New Zealand.
Phoenix’s best bit: I loved hearing about the rugby in March and all the sports I can have a go at. I can’t wait to go skiing.

Title: The Pacific Islands: A Moana Discovery Book
Author: Paul Dichter
Illustrator: Disney Storybook Artists
Publisher: Lerner Publications

As part of the Disney Moana franchise, this book is all about the Pacific Islands, including New Zealand. There is a focus on culture, nature and storytelling with characters from the movies featuring throughout, which is perfect for Family Haddow who happen to be massive fans of the movie.
Phoenix’s best bit: I liked learning about how they built the canoes and I am excited to be a wayfinder.

There you have it. Our three favourite books. What books would you add to our list?