The Sainsbury’s Children’s Book Awards 2016

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

Yesterday we visited Sainsbury’s HQ to celebratSainsburys-cbae this year’s Sainsbury’s Children’s Book Awards. Though Dave Pigeon didn’t win, I was thrilled beyond belief that Dave Pigeon had been shortlisted amongst twelve other incredible books.

Huge congratulations to all the winners and to Team Sainsbury’s for hosting such a smashing afternoon celebrating all things children’s books.

IMG_3734  Signing books at Faber HQ

IMG_3744A pre-awards catch up with our lovely agent Felicity Trew

IMG_3746This year’s shortlist


IMG_3747 (1)Sheena and I not at all ungracious in the face of losing to the mighty Alex T Smith and the gorgeous Claude

New school year and new news

Swapna HaddowScrapbook

I’m spending the afternoon labelling my son’s new school uniform ready for the start of a new term next week and I’ve taken a break from the iron-on labels to sound the EXCITING NEWS klaxon.

I am beyond thrilled to have signed with the very brilliant, rising star agent extraordinaire that is Felicity Trew. I am so proud to have joined the Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency family and even more delighted to say that I have been working on a brand new project and can’t wait to share all the top secret details with you soon.

For now, all I can say is watch this space and I’m sure that there will be exciting times ahead.

CBBC Awesome Authors

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave

UnknownOver the last two days, CBBC, with the help of the Library of Birmingham, hosted a spectacular festival to celebrate the love of reading. Sheena and I were invited to bring Dave Pigeon along to join in the celebrations.

We were in amongst many brilliant authors and illustrators who came together to talk about how much we loved writing, illustrating and story telling. And our love for pigeons of course.

Here are some piccies from a wonderful trip to Birmingham:


We took questions from the CBBC presenters Lauren and Karim in a segment they called ‘Frequently and Infrequently Asked Questions:DSC_0018

And the infrequently asked questions did not let us down:IMG_2370 (1)

Here’s the moment Lauren reveals she once swallowed pigeon poo:

Then on to the main event:DSC_0130 IMG_2378

Sheena illustrated live as the children created new pigeon characters and helped us write a brand new Dave Pigeon story complete with a treetop bakery, rabid dog, jammy biscuits and a rocket to Mars.




Thank you to all the brilliant and imaginative children who came along to make characters and stories with us and everyone at CBBC and the Library of Birmingham for being so wonderful.

Hurrah for Team Awesome!
