Watch the birdie

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave, Scrapbook

Yesterday my editor sent me a sample of work from a potential illustrator for Dave Pigeon. This is beyond exciting. Dave Pigeon will be an illustrated book and it’s so important the right illustrator is chosen because the pictures do as much telling of the story as the words. It got me thinking about the importance of illustrations and illustrators …

Up with the lark

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave, Scrapbook

I’m up early this morning and freaking myself out. A few days ago I sent off the first redraft of Dave Pigeon to my editor and it just occurred to me that a few days ago I sent off the first redraft of Dave Pigeon to my editor. Yikes! So what to do in the mean time as my nails …

The idea egg hatches

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave, Scrapbook

I’m not sure if you’d heard but next year my book ‘Dave Pigeon’ will be out. That’s right! My book! Out! Next year! Every time I say that I’m filled with what I can only describe as Christmas Day excitement, followed quite soon after by a sucker punch of dread as I question whether I can really do this. This …

Dave finds a home a Faber Children’s

Swapna HaddowRoosting With Dave, Scrapbook

I’m absolutely over the moon to announce I now have a book deal.  Faber Children’s has acquired ‘Dave Pigeon’.  Thank you Faber!  Thank you also to Polly Nolan who clearly has making-dreams-come-true superpowers – powers that belong only to two others: Santa and shooting stars. This has been a double achievement.  For those of you who thought I was a …