Today was my first event of the year and I’m chuffed to bits it was with NLT‘s Libraries for Primaries campaign. The Libraries for Primaries campaign work to address the lack of investment in primary school libraries which is a cause very close to my heart. With a copy of Bad Panda: For Sale arriving on my doorstep earlier this …
The Cake Escape is up for a Lollie!
Bad Panda: The Cake Escape has been shortlisted for The Laugh Out Loud Book Awards 2024 and Lin needs your help! If you have read the book and enjoyed it you can vote for Bad Panda: The Cake Escape in the Lollies NOW. That’s right! RIGHT NOW! Click on this link to vote and have a look at the other …
Bad Panda: Mites, Camera, Action! out now
The third book in the Bad Panda series, Bad Panda: Mites, Camera, Action! is out now! That’s right! Everyone’s favourite Bad Panda, is back. A documentary crew have come to the zoo, to film every day life with the animals. But when reality is a bit boring they ship in some animal actors. Lin and her best friend Fu are …
National Storytelling Week with the National Literacy Trust
I’m back at my desk after a month of travelling around Canada on my holidays and I was chuffed to bits to be working with the National Literacy Trust to celebrate National Storytelling Week. I started with an exclusive extract from Bad Panda: Mites, Camera, Action! which isn’t out until next month! And then, Conor and I created a brand …
Signing off for 2023
Phew! That was a BIG year! You’ve all made so many of my dreams come true, starting with a phenomenal World Book Day release for Dave Pigeon. I was chuffed to bits to see so many schools join in with mine and Sheena’s big virtual event. HUGE thank you to everyone who shared their work with us. Dave was back …
Bad Panda is a winner!
Bad Panda has just won the Telling Tales category of the Coventry Inspiration Book Awards 2023! I’m over the moon about this and so thankful to all the schools and pupils who voted for Lin and her pals. Here are the awesome pupils of Cannon Park Primary presenting Bad Panda at the ceremony: Thank you Coventry SLS for shortlisting the …
Bad Panda: Most Likely to ‘Make us Giggle’
To celebrate National Reading Group Day 2022, Team Chatterbooks have chosen the books that make it into this year’s yearbook and I’m chuffed to bits to see Bad Panda was chosen as the book most likely to ‘make us giggle’. Have a look at all the yearbook celebrations here. Thank you, Chatterbooks! And Bad Panda has been selected as part …
Kaikorai Primary School ‘Paws For Reading’ Book Week
After having to cancel my book week events at Kaikorai Primary School due to COVID, I was finally able to visit today to make up for lost time. It was wonderful to be back at the school where my own mancub had been a pupil and to see their brand new hall. I started my day with the Juniors and …
It’s Bad Panda 2 day!
Bad Panda: The Cake Escape is officially out in the world today! Lin the panda is on a mission to find her missing best friend, Fu – but has he been stolen by the boy who was looking to add to his sinister collection of stuffed animals? And can Lin and her zoo friends find him before it’s too late? …
Workshopping with Otago Literacy Association
Today, I was invited to run two workshops with the Otago Literacy Association. First up were a group of Year 5 and 6 from lots of different primary schools across Dunedin. We created brand new Bad Panda plots and talked about reasons why you might fall in a canal. Next, I got to speak to teachers from around Dunedin. We …