In conversation with Zac McCallum

Swapna HaddowThe Bad Panda Club

Sheena and I kicked off Wednesday morning with a Bad Panda interview with Zac McCallum, school librarian and blogger at My Best Friends are Books. This week marks the release of Bad Panda in New Zealand and Australia so, despite lockdown, it didn’t seem right not to mark the occasion. We chatted about how the book came to be, our …

Bad Panda at Discover Story Centre

Swapna HaddowThe Bad Panda Club

Thank you so much to Discover Story Centre for having me and Sheena! We took part in an Bad Panda online reading and drawalong and if you came along, do share your drawing with us – we’d love to see them. Here’s mine:

Bad Panda visits GLL Libraries

Swapna HaddowThe Bad Panda Club

Libraries were where I first got hooked on books and anyone who knows me knows how passionately I advocate for libraries so I was thrilled to be asked to be part of the ‘Meet the Author’ series with the GLL National Libraries Digital Programme where I could introduce Bad Panda to viewers on Facebook.

Bad Panda blog tour: My Book Corner

Swapna HaddowThe Bad Panda Club

We are mid-Bad Panda blog tour and we are visiting Emma at My Book Corner. Have a read of her review here and try her panda quiz too. I got 6 correct answers – can you beat my score?