Happy World Book Day from New Zealand!

Swapna HaddowAdventures With Little Rabbit, Halfway Round the World with the Haddows, Roosting With Dave, Scrapbook

It’s World Book Day and I wasn’t going to miss out on all the fun back in the UK so I was chuffed to be invited to speak to the Writing Extension group at Kaikorai Primary School, where I met with sixteen brilliant young writers. We talked about planning stories and shared ideas on writing. And then we played a …

The Wild Imaginings Children’s Writers and Illustrators Hui

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows, Roosting With Dave, Scrapbook

I’ve just had the best sort of weekend for me – a booky weekend. The Wild Imaginings Children’s Writers and Illustrators Hui took place in my new hometown of Dunedin last weekend, with the WILD in Wild Imaginings standing for Writers and Illustrators Love Dunedin and it turns out we certainly do. Team Wild Imaginings put on a fabulous weekend …

‘Writer alights in the land of birds’ – Otago Daily Times

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows, Scrapbook

Thank you so much to Karen Trebilcock and the Otago Daily Times for this brilliant feature in today’s Otago Daily Times. I was interviewed for the article ahead of the WILD Imaginings Children’s Writers and Illustrators Hui next weekend, where I will be running a workshop on ‘Writing a Young Fiction Series’. If you are coming along, do pop by …

A year in New Zealand

Swapna HaddowHalfway Round the World with the Haddows

It’s been a whole year since Family Haddow arrived on the shores of Aotearoa and we have had the most incredible twelve months. I can’t even begin to list all the amazing adventures we have had but needless to say, it has been a year of surfing, snowboarding, beautiful hikes and making wonderful new friendships. I keep waiting for the …