It finally happened! After a decade of school visits, Beti, my trusty laptop, experienced her first technical difficulty. (It probably didn’t help that she’s a first generation computer whose predecessor was cave painting.) But Cliftonville Primary School and I persevered and after twenty minutes of trying to log in and a brief panicked moment where I seriously considered a two thousand dollar thirty-two hour flight to the UK to make sure the author visit happened, we managed to get online for our virtual Bad Panda visit.
I read them an excerpt from Bad Panda: For Sale and then the awesome Year 2s came up with two brand new stories for the baddest panda, including Lin at a theme park struggling to get on the rides because of her height and Lin befriending a Megalodon in an underwater adventure.
Thank you to the brilliant staff and pupils of Year 2 Cliftonville Primary for being so patient with this technologically-challenged author and making the event so much fun.